In today’s fast-paced world, where the pressures of career, family, and personal growth often intersect, many of us find ourselves needing to navigate life’s challenges with courage and resilience. However, for Jo, a career-loving Mum and Allied Health...
“Thriving Beyond Trauma: A Journey to Clarity, Emotional Release, and True Freedom After Trauma” Life after trauma is a chapter marked by wisdom, resilience, and a deep understanding of the journey we’ve traversed. For many of us, this journey has...
Today, as I savoured a coffee, watching the whales and their calves on their return migration back down the coast I gazed at the majestic lighthouse towering above, and I couldn’t help but ponder on the profound symbolism it holds in our lives. The lighthouse,...
Today I was sitting enjoying a coffee and looking up the coast towards our gorgeous lighthouse and I got to thinking of the symbolism that comes with that lighthouse…. The lighthouse stands confidently near the edge of the cliff, it is consistent and reliable and...
As you know, when you experience trauma you are often faced with one loss after another. First there may be the loss of a person, or a thing or the loss of a sense of safety and security in your world, and you feel excessive pain and you start to grieve...
Advice, Thoughts
It’s exhausting keeping up the pretense in all aspects of your life, especially on Social Media….pretending that your life is ‘picture perfect’ for everyone else. We talked recently about how the reality of life is far from perfect….life is full of ups and downs…..and...