Last week I posted that after a very challenging year in 2015 I had reached the realization that life really is short and you can’t “put your life on hold until you feel better” !

Call it what you will, a realization, or even a whack over the head with a baseball bat…..I’ll liken it to an epiphany….the wake-up call that I needed to get on with doing the things that really matter “no matter what”.

As I said I have been working across multiple areas these past few months physically, psychologically and emotionally in order to ensure 2016 was a year to really look forward to and to thrive.

Simple really….as humans we tend to have a terrible habit of making everything so complex, way moreso than it really needs to be.

Identify what really matters in life :-

  • Who is important to you
  • Who is ‘poisonous’ and you no longer need in your life
  • What is important to you
  • What no longer matters to you and is holding you back
  • How to really look after you
  • How to not look after yourself, and make a decision to no longer do that

So when you have determined the answers to all these questions you will have clarity in so many areas….

  1. Clarity to know exactly who you want to hang around (both at home and socially, and also with work),
  2. Where you really want to focus your energy this year and beyond, and
  3. What daily habits you will engage in to ensure you engage in the self care and nurturing you really need so that you can be working on exactly who you wish to be and are gradually becoming.

So this week I will set you the challenge to ask yourself these simple questions and be really honest with yourself when writing down your answers.

Here’s to 2016 being your year to thrive

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